Are you ready to embark on an unforgettable adventure in sky-high backpacking country along hundreds of miles of rugged, rocky trails at Philmont Scout Ranch? Beginning October 28, 2015, you can register to take on that challenge along with many more adventures for the 2017 Philmont expeditions at Philmont Scout Ranch.
By combining the best of the old West—horseback riding, burro packing, gold panning, chuck wagon dinners, and interpretive history – with exciting challenges for today—rock climbing, burro racing, mountain biking and .30-06 rifle shooting—the 2017 Philmont program invites Scouts and Scouters to experience the fun and fellowship of the BSA’s largest national High-Adventure base.
Registering for Philmont 2017
Registration for Philmont 2017 expeditions begin October 28, 2015 and continues until November 18, 2015 at Registered crews of seven to 12 individuals trek 50 to 110 miles, summiting peaks and stopping at a selection of 36 staffed backcountry program areas. Adults participate as advisors, while youth crew members serve as the crew’s primary leadership.
Crews must have at least seven people and no more than 12 people. You can always register multiple crews if your group exceeds 12. During registration, you must list at least seven preferred arrival dates and an automated selection process will assign your preferred arrival dates. Councils host reservations combining multiple smaller units which individually cannot create a complete Philmont crew. To join a council contingent, contact your local council.
Participants may enter the system anytime from the start date to the end date – there are no BSA Region assigned dates as in previous years. And beginning in 2016, any unit is able to attend in consecutive years.
How to Be Prepared for Philmont
A Philmont trek is physically demanding. Even if you are able to pass a physical examination with flying colors, you will need to get in shape for Philmont. Steep, rocky trails with 1,000-foot climbs are typical. Also, there is 20 to 35 percent less oxygen at Philmont elevations than at sea level. And remember, you will be carrying a pack that weighs 35 to 50 pounds. Breathing will be labored, especially at the start of your trek.
A program of regular aerobic exercise that begins six months or more before you come to Philmont is highly recommended. Exercise for at least 30 minutes three to four times a week at an intensity that boosts your heart rate about 75% of your maximum.
Learn more about prepping for Philmont by reading Philmont’s Guidebook to Adventure. Also, check out Philmont Shakedown Guide Part 1 and Part 2 to prepare for an upcoming Philmont trek.
Adult advisors can participate in the Philmont Advisor Skills School (PASS) program to help better prepare them to confidently lead their crew in preparing for an upcoming Philmont trek.
Build Your 2017 Crews Now!
Mark your calendars to register for Philmont 2017 before November 18, 2015. Help build excitement for these upcoming treks by sharing with your Scouting network. And check out the ariel tour of the Tooth of Time below to get a bird’s eye view of one of the Summit’s most treasured landmarks!