A few weeks ago, Toontuk lodge had their spring fellowship – also known as Woadstoak (like woodstock but with OA). The main events were held at Joel’s Place, a local skate park and worship center located in Fairbanks, AK. The first night was a blast that started with an amazing introductory ceremony and ended withparticipants playing various games late into the night. The next morning everyone was up bright and early and were ready to head off to their various program areas. Participants could either go to Birch Hill, a local ski slope (pictured below), or to the University of Alaska Fairbanks and enjoy the various activities that the university has to offer. The day concluded with a feast, followed by more games. All in all, the event was very successful and even attracted some brothers from Nanuk lodge down in Anchorage, AK. The patch given to all participants was a black and white patch, with a stylized caribou and polar bear, the totems of Toontuk and Nanuk respectively. A big thanks to the event chairman Stanley Rogers and everyone that helped him out for putting together a very enjoyable and memorable Woadstoak experience.