Pictured is Peaceful Valley Scout Ranch, home to Tahosa Lodge of the Denver Area Council. Peaceful Valley will be the Western Region broadcast location for Momentum: Discover, the third in a series of National Virtual Events on April 23rd – 24th.
At Momentum: Discover, you can participate in Informative Trainings and interactive shows and connect with Arrowmen from across the country on the Slack community platform.
Also, compete in national competitions like Kahoot moderated by our national officers!
Our ACT (Adapt Collaborate Thrive) Conference Will be on May 8th and you can register here! All Lodge and Chapter leaders and advisers are encouraged to attend to hear from some of the OA’s top youth leaders, collaborate with other lodge leaders and make a lasting plan to build a thriving lodge future!
The theme ‘Wask West: Level Up Together’ will celebrate the best of our brotherhood, and Fire Mountain Scout Camp with interactive shows, video games brought to life, the climbing wall, shooting sports, Super Smash Bros., an evening Waskapalooza party, the zip line, patch trading, and all of the fantastic, fun, food and fellowship that makes Conclave spectacular!