Upcoming CoC Retreat!
The CoC is having a retreat weekend January 31st to February 1st. The youth of our CoC are asked to be at Camp Pigott by 6:00 p.m. for the retreat portion of the of the weekend. The formal CoC meeting will begin at 1:00 p.m. on Saturday and conclude around 4:00 p.m. Some items to […]
The 2019-2020 Section Officer Team

Upcoming CoC Meeting
Attention all Lodge Chiefs, Advisers, CoC members, and CvC’s. The second CoC meeting of the year has been scheduled for Saturday, June 22nd. The meeting will be held at the Puget Sound Scout Shop.
Upcoming CoC Meeting
Attention all Lodge Chiefs, Advisers, CoC members, and CvC’s. The first CoC meeting of the year as been scheduled for Saturday, March 9th. The meeting will be held at the Wooden Cross Lutheran Church in Woodinville.
Antonyo Mitchell Elected the 2019 Western Region Chief!

Congratulations to our very own Section Chief Antonyo Mitchell who has been elected as the 2019 Western Region Chief of the order of the arrow.
Meet the Chief 2019
2019 Section Chief Ian Sands of Nanuk Lodge.
2018-19 Officer election results

Congratulations to our 2018-19 Section Officers! Section Chief Antonyo Mitchell Sikhs Mox Lamonti