Conclave 2020
Date: September 18th-20th Where: Camp Fire Mountain Join us at the 2020 Section W1-N Conclave.
ACT Conference
May 9th 2020 Section W-1N Will Be holding its first annual ACT Conference. Taking place at the Chief Seattle Council Scout Office. This new conference is an opportunity for lodge leadership from across the section to learn and work together to help their home lodges thrive into future years. Come join the Section leadership as […]
Meet the 2019-2020 Chief
Hello Everyone! It is my goal as chief to increase our communications, encouraging lodges to mingle more – for it is the sharing of ideas that make us successful. Section W-1N spans a huge area. In fact, our section is the largest section based on domestic land mass. In order to be effective in our […]
The 2019-2020 Section Officer Team

Conclave 2018 Training Catalog
Join your fellow arrowmen from all over Western Washington and Alaska in a weekend of fun, learning, fellowship, and fun. Here’s more about conclave. Use the interactive catalog below to find your classes for the Saturday morning 9, 10 and 11 am sessions. You can also check the available space for your classes. Note the […]
2017 Conclave’s Whale’s Tales
Here are all the issues of the Whale’s Tale that were given out at this years Conclave. 2017 Conclave Whales Tale
Whale’s Tale Volume 2017, Number 2
Here is the Whale’s Tale that we handed out during Saturday’s lunch at Conclave. Whale’s Tale Volume, 2017 Number 2
Conclave’s opening campfire moved to Long House
Attention all Section members at Conclave: tonight’s opening campfire has been moved to the Long House. See you there!
Missed online registration? Register onsite!
Even though early registration is closed, you can still register for conclave onsite – just outside of the Camp Pigott dining hall starting at 6:00pm on Friday night. Conclave registration will be open from 6:00-11:00pm on Friday night, and from 8am until Noon on Saturday. See you there!
Conclave 2017: What to expect
Arrival Please arrive between 6pm-11pm on Friday or if you need to arrive on Saturday please arrive between 8am-11am. Please do not arrive earlier, as our staff will be working hard to get Camp ready for you. When you arrive, staff will direct you were to park your car in the parking lot. Please note […]