2016 Conclave Patch Design Contest
Now open: 2016 Conclave Patch Design Contest. The theme of this upcoming Conclave is “The circle is now complete.” This contest is open to both youth and adults, and the winner will receive a complete set of their design. Please submit your entries to secretary@sectionw1n.org before December 1st for consideration.
WashJam 2016 Registration Available
Are you interested in participating in a jamboree, but the cost of traveling is too expensive? Well, WashJam 2016 the Washington State Boy Scout Jamboree which happens once every four years, will be held at Fort Lewis, Washington 98498 on August 25 – 28, 2016.
2015 NLS Registration Now Open
The National Leadership Seminar (NLS) is a weekend training program focusing on leadership development. Run by the Region Chief and his Advisers, it provides an in-depth look at leadership skills and techniques. An NLS discusses how these skills can be applied in your role in the OA and in other aspects of your life. It […]
2016 Conclave CVC Application Due
Reminder: today is the last day to apply for a CVC position. The application is available online here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1tNpDNeRPImjb4pufT12s-4lSXACbBqN3vNUn0PmbYEM/viewform
2016 Conclave: CVC Application Deadline
The CVC application deadline is quickly approaching. If you want to serve as a CVC for the 2016 Conclave, make sure you fill out the application before the deadline of September 7th (Labor Day). https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1tNpDNeRPImjb4pufT12s-4lSXACbBqN3vNUn0PmbYEM/viewform
2016 Conclave: CVC Application
Did you have fun at the 100th anniversary Conclave? Would you like to help carry the Order into year 101 with the 2016 Conclave? The CVC Application for Section W-1N’s Conclave Vice Chiefs is now available online here! If you have any questions, please feel free to email the Section Secretary at Secretary@SectionW1N.org
NEXT: A New Century
The 2016 national event, NEXT: A New Century, will be truly unlike anything the Order of the Arrow has ever seen. Youth leaders from across the nation will gather at Indiana University from July 30 to August 3, 2016 in order to learn, grow and be inspired as we proceed into a new century of service. […]
Today’s ArrowTour at Camp Pigott was a great success. If you were unable to attend, don’t worry because ArrowTour will also be available at the Tacoma Service Center on June 29th from 2:00pm until 7:00pm https://www.facebook.com/sectionw1n
High Adventure
Will you be age 16-21 this summer? Want to have an amazing experience for two weeks in the great outdoors? We’ve got $300 for you to go on an OA High Adventure trip to Trail Crew (Philmont), Wilderness Voyage (Northern Tier), W.V. Canadian Odyssey (Canada), OA Ocean Adventure (Florida Sea Base) or OA Summit Experience (Summit […]