To all Arrowmen of Section W-1N,
2020 has been a year of ups and downs, and as we all adjust to keeping our distance and masking our faces in public, we have been working hard to find different ways to potentially host our annual gathering of lodges.
But it is with a heavy heart that I announce the cancellation of our 2020 Conclave at Fire Mountain. I know that our team had not only been working hard to plan a great conclave, but one that would have met all safety guidelines.
I would like to thank Vice Chief Ryean Hazard, Secretary Ben LeClair, our great team of advisers Ken Devero, Mike Gaylord, and Laura Kitchings. I want to thank our great Lodge Chiefs and all of the CvCs and teams that worked on planning this event
We must remember the obligation that we took when we joined our great order, and we must not allow these challenges to dampen the scouting fire that burns inside of us.
If you were planning on running for Section office at Conclave, information about a virtual election will be coming out soon. If you have any questions feel free to email me at bteyman@gmail.com, or email Section Adviser Ken Devero at Kenneth.devero@yahoo.com
I look forward to seeing everyone in 2021.
Yours in Brotherhood
Benjamin Eyman
2019-2020 Section Chief