First FlapMidnight Sun Council was chartered August 1, 1960, a few years after the Alaska Council was broken into 3 separate Councils. Toontuk Lodge #549 was chartered on December 31, 1961. The Lodge Totem is the Toontuk, or barren ground caribou, taken from the Native Athabascan Language of Interior Alaska.
The original council charter is downstairs in the Council Office in Fairbanks. It says the council was formed August 1, 1960 and the Lodge was chartered December 31, 1961. Most collectors show the lodge was formed in 1960, but that isn’t true according to what the Section Historian saw on 3/25/2004 in the Midnight Sun Council Office.
A prominent Alaska historian mentioned in March 2008 that he believes that the Lodge was formed March 31, 1961, but the Charter is dated December 31, 1961.