Operation Arrow is the Order of the Arrows way of helping out at the national jamboree since as early as 1950. This year an estimated 750 arrowmen will answer the call to assemble the largest jamboree staff team ever assembled by the Order of the Arrow. Operation Arrow members can serve in one of three positions, either as a part of the service corps, as a trek guide or as a part of the Indian village staff. The service corps will help at jamboree by providing manpower to various service projects around the Summit Bechtel Reserve. The service corps gives each arrowman the opportunity to see the entire jamboree and fully embody the OA devotion to service with a smile.
OA trek guides will lead participants on an adventure that starts at the units campsite and ends at the beautiful Garden Ground Mountain. Once on top of the mountain, the trek guides will lead their unit through various activities including buckskin and carnival games as well as field sports. At the end of the day the trek guides will lead the unit down the trail for a final debrief about the journey that they completed together. OA Indian village staff will give participants an opportunity to immerse themselves in American Indian history in fun and interactive ways. Staff members will teach participants about Indian craft-making, dance styles and survival methods of different tribes throughout the US. Participants will walk away from the Indian village with a plethora of knowledge in American history, and souvenirs they made themselves to remember the experience. For more information about Operation Arrow and its important role at the 2017 National Jamboree visit: http://event.oa-bsa.org/events/jambo2017/.