Earlier this month, each lodge received eight special tickets to Prism – a once-ever event happening this summer, at the Summit Bechtel Reserve. This Friday, those tickets will expire forever.
Those who attend Prism will enjoy a four-day, three-night experience at the Summit. Participants will be able to enjoy all of the program offerings at the Scott Summit Center and leave their mark on the SBR through a service project. The event’s defining experience will be the inaugural rededication ceremony at the Summit Circle, which is the relocated ceremony grounds from Treasure Island, and the Order’s national ceremonies site.
The eight tickets guaranteed to your lodge expire February 5, 2016 – at which point registration for any remaining available slots will open to those who entered the lottery on prism.oa-bsa.org. If you have lodge members that want to attend and do not have a ticket for any reason, encourage them to enter the lottery prior to February 5.
Prism will run for seven sessions this summer, and your tickets may be used for any session on a first-come, first-serve basis – so do not delay!
Registration for the event is open at prism.oa-bsa.org. If you have further questions regarding Prism, please contact the Order of the Arrow Associate Director, Travis Rubelee at travis.rubelee@scouting.org.
We’re looking forward to seeing you this summer!
This article was originally published at http://oa-bsa.org/