UPDATE: Thank you to everyone who attended Section W-1N’s inaugural ACT Conference. It was truly a delightful day of training and fellowship!
Are you a Lodge or Chapter leader? Are you interested in OA leadership? Save the date May 8th, 2021 at 10am-4:30pm for the inaugural Section W-1N Adapt, Collaborate, and Thrive (ACT) Conference which will be held on Zoom.
Adapt, Collaborate, and Thrive (ACT) is the perfect opportunity for all Lodge and Chapter leaders to connect with other Lodge and Chapter leaders from across the section. Together, attendees will hear from some of the OA’s top youth leaders, share best practices and brainstorm solutions to common problems.
ACT will be an online event on Saturday, May 8th 2021. Current and aspiring Lodge and Chapter leaders and advisers are the prime audience but all OA members are welcome to attend.
Section leadership is super excited to introduce our all-star lineup of ACT trainers!