Section W-1N officer elections will be held at Conclave! Youth Arrowmen in Nanuk, Nisqually, Sikhs Mox Lamonti, T’Kope Kwiskwis and Toontuk Lodges are eligible to run.
Arrowmen must not turn 21 before the next Conclave (September 18, 2022). Arrowmen also need a letter of endorsement from their Council Scout Executive emailed to Ken.Devero@SectionW1N.org.
Offices include Section Chief, Vice Chief and Secretary. You can run for all three, two of them or one of them. Serving as a Section officer is an excellent opportunity to serve the Arrowmen of Alaska and western Washington. Check out the link below for more information, including officer duties.
As a youth Arrowmen at Conclave, you get to vote on the next slate of Section officers.
Are you coming to Conclave? Fun games, great food, and fellowship await you at Fire Mountain, next weekend September 17-19! Sign up today!