The theme of the 2021 W-1N Conclave is Wask West: Level Up Together! Click here to register for Conclave!
Section W-1N leadership and our host lodge: Sikhs Mox Lamonti are super excited to welcome you to Fire Mountain Scout Camp, September 17-19, 2021! You may remember that Wask West was intended to be last year’s Conclave theme. After a year spent largely inside, we’ve all had the chance to discover the gamer within making Wask West: Level Up Together even more fitting. Based off the Pax West video game and entertainment convention in Seattle, Wask West: Level Up Together will celebrate the best of the Order of the Arrow and Fire Mountain and bring together Arrowmen from across the Pacific Northwest for a weekend of fun, food and fellowship!
UPDATE: Conclave registration is now open!
Register for Conclave at the following link: :http://events.r20.constantcontact.com/register/event?oeidk=a07ei4l27u324012672&llr=clqzt6cab
See you at Conclave!