Operation Arrow

As many of you know, this year at the 2017 National Jamboree the five pronged spear of Operation Arrow played a vital role in enhancing overall participant’s experiences and helping the Jamboree run smoothly and efficiently. The service corps was able to complete over 16,000 hours of service by helping in program areas all across […]

Register for Conclave 2017

Conclave registration now is live! Register now and receive the early-bird price of $50, saving an immediate $20 on registration New Arrowmen conclave pricing is $45, a full $25 discount! Conclave Registration

Conclave 2017

This years Conclave for section W1-N is September 15-17, 2017. However, many of you might be wondering “What is Conclave?” and “Why should I go?”. Conclave is the yearly gathering of all the lodges in section W1-N, where we come together for a weekend of fun and brotherhood. Some highlights include amazing daily shows, classes […]

Operation Arrow 2017

  Operation Arrow is the Order of the Arrows way of helping out at the national jamboree since as early as 1950. This year an estimated 750 arrowmen will answer the call to assemble the largest jamboree staff team ever assembled by the Order of the Arrow. Operation Arrow members can serve in one of […]

Toontuk 549’s Spring Fellowship a.k.a. Woadstoak

A few weeks ago, Toontuk lodge had their spring fellowship – also known as Woadstoak (like woodstock but with OA). The main events were held at Joel’s Place, a local skate park and worship center located in Fairbanks, AK. The first night was a blast that started with an amazing introductory ceremony and ended withparticipants playing various […]

Jamboree Shows Auditions

Have you ever attended a national show at either a NOAC or a jamboree and think to yourself, “How did those Scouts get lucky enough to be on the shows team?” Well, think no more! The Jamboree Shows Team is actively looking for Scouts and Scouters to serve as actors and stage managers.

2018 Conclave

Conclave online registration is closed. Days Till Conclave: This year, Conclave will be hosted by Nisqually Lodge at Camp Thunderbird on September 14-16, 2018. Arrowmen will have the opportunity to network with people from across Alaska, Washington, Oregon, Idaho, and further! The cost of Conclave is $75 for onsite registration. However, an early-bird discount of […]

2017 CVC Job Descriptions

Want to help plan 2017’s Conclave? Here are the Conclave Vice Chief position descriptions. You can apply for up to three of the following Conclave Vice Chief positions.

Contacting Us

Hello Section W-1N, Our email forwarding system will be temporarily offline for the next 72 hours as we upgrade to a secure Office 365 environment and increase our spam filters. If you need to contact anyone in the section before Saturday, November 5th, please contact the Seattle scout office, or fill out this google form: https://goo.gl/forms/DjmW6ED6d9NJGgRB2 Thank […]